We Are Scrolling

Well this doesn't need much explanation... scrolling. May change the buttons but they will do for now. 

Time for some mirroring next!

The code is on GitHub if you want to follow along with the code. The WIP output will appear here. Thanks for reading.

Oops and The Grid

Oops I hadn't noticed the auto-deployed build was broken for a while. Some boring filename casing stuff was breaking the deploy. Sorted now!

Added a toggle for the grid (which was mostly in place already). Demo gif below:

Time for some scrolling next!

The code is on GitHub if you want to follow along with the code. The WIP output will appear here. Thanks for reading.

Export The Screen

It's been ages since I posted here - sorry! I got distracted with some type-ins (videos soon) and life stuff. Since my last blog post a CLS dialog and the export dialog have been added.

 Anyway we now have a working export dialog. There's at least two more export types I want to add but some other features have priority. 5 days of SepTandy to go - we will have a final push!

The code is on GitHub if you want to follow along with the code. The WIP output will appear here. Thanks for reading.

Screen Time

 Time to add in the screen! Luckily the canvas version from the previous React version was pretty well component-ised. Main changes were due to state update (storing the character). Left and Right Mouse buttons can now draw on the screen at it remembers.

Progress is going fast on this version of SGEdit - might need something else to keep me busy for SeptTandy! Next time, I think I will fix the screen layout and add another toolbar.

The code is on GitHub if you want to follow along with the code. The WIP output will appear here. Thanks for reading.

Characters and State

One of the good points of my previous React version of SGEdit was the Character Set. Instead of having 200+ image files to load, I encoded them into base64 and they are just a Javascript array now. This meant it was fairly easy to get the characters on screen in a palette of blocky goodness.

Once that was done, I wanted to add a primary and secondary character (left and right mouse buttons) which required me to store the state for the app. Previously I used Redux which is fine but rather clunky so I searched around for something new and found HookState which requires much less boilerplate code. Yay!

The code is on GitHub if you want to follow along with the code. The WIP output will appear here. Thanks for reading.

Magic Mirror On The Screen

Well this doesn't need much explanation either... mirroring. Again the buttons aren't amazing but are functional.  The code is on  G...