SeptTandy 2024 - Introducing ECHO-CO

SeptTandy is underway and I have had fun with this SFX tool. It's still a bit rough in places but the concept seems solid enough.

The asterisk is a selector you can  move up and down to choose an attribute to modify. There's a list of keyboard controls which will be documented but it's pretty easy to modify a sound and play around with it.

SOUND at the top is the bank you are working on. You can have 10 sounds in total at once. I am going to add a soundboard mode where you can play with all the sounds at once. There'll also be an option to print the sounds to the printer. In my case this will be the XRoar file output. Still deciding whether to save to disk as an option.

The WIP code is on GitHub if you want an early look. Beep beep!

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